Youth Care Coordination

Youth Care Coordination (YCC) works with eligible, at-risk youth to ensure they receive the care they need to improve their physical, behavioral, social, and health. The YCC facilitates connections between healthcare and service providers to support individuals and bridge gaps in the care system. The YCC will connect these young people and their parents/guardians to a treatment home and as community support.

The YCC program serves youths up to age 18, with exceptions for young adults transitioning into the adult care system in Okaloosa, and Walton Counties. These are children, adolescents, and teenagers who are high utilizers of behavioral health services.

The YCC facilitates services between clients, family members, and providers. Clients are referred by community partners such as the Department of Children and Families (DCF), Juvenile Justice, Acute Care Facilities, Schools, and Hospitals.

The program’s focus is to work with those, who have three or more acute involuntary commitments (Baker Act) within 180 days, who are involved with the Department of Children and Families, Criminal Justice / Law Enforcement, who have a Substance Use Disorder, Mental Health Diagnosis or recently released from a psychiatric hospital.

The YCC will partner with the individual and their family to facilitate communication between all providers and supports to ensure coordination of care that properly meets the needs of the youth.

YCC has relationships with Okaloosa County community organizations and continues cultivating new relationships in surrounding areas.

YCC is a state-funded program. Youths admitted or referred to the program are uninsured or underinsured.

Natural supports are key to an individual’s success. The YCC will work to engage these supports in a collaborative effort to ensure the Individuals’ long-term success.

YCC is an intensive 90-day service.

For Further Information

To make a referral, please email

or contact us at (850) 833-7500