Case Management

The Case Management Team is committed to meeting our clients’ needs in the least-restrictive environment in the most timely and efficient manner possible. Our services operate throughout the county from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday, with 24/7 Crisis Intervention Services.

Eligibility for our services is determined according to criteria established by Medicaid, and individuals must have a DSM-V Axis I diagnosis. Our services are voluntary and require the active cooperation of the client.

Purpose of Case Management

The primary goal of Case Management is to ensure that clients’ needs are met in the least restrictive environment and in the most timely and efficient manner possible. Case Management will link to various services dependent upon client needs. All services will be directed toward promoting independence and self-sufficiency.

How it works

Our Case Managers work with treating providers to educate our clients (and parents/guardians of minor children) regarding their mental illness, treatment, medication, and Mental Health Advanced Directives. We provide advocacy emphasizing building client skills to enable them to assume responsibility for their needs. If emergency services are required at any time, our Case Managers will provide necessary linkage to Bridgeway Emergency Services for clients in crisis.

The Cost

CM services are provided at no cost to the client, whether they have insurance or government benefits.

Who Can Benefit from Case Management

Adults: Our Adult Case Management is a problem-solving function designed to assist the long-term psychiatrically disabled adult (18 years or older) to secure continuity of services and achieve successful outcomes.

Children: Our Children’s Case Managers work with children (17 and under) diagnosed with mental illness. The Case Manager works with the parent/guardian to facilitate access to therapeutic services, benefit providers, and community resources. The Targeted Case Manager will educate the client and family on the nature of the client’s illness and behaviors and the recommended treatment.

For Further Information

Please contact us at (850) 226-8840 24/7 or (850) 833-7500

BCI Initial Intake