BCI’s Clinical Internship Program


Bridgeway Center, Inc. (BCI) is committed to offering quality clinical training for college graduates enrolled in an accredited graduate school for a master’s degree in counseling, psychology, and/or psychosocial wellness direct care, as well as mental health or clinical social work licensure. Additionally, BCI offers clinical supervision for those candidates seeking Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner Florida licenses. BCI’s structured internship process provides a broad overview of the multiple aspects of a Community Behavioral Health Organization. BCI internship programs teach insight for Clinical judgment under the supervision of a designated BCI Clinical Mentor. Each BCI Clinical Mentor is credentialed through BCI’s Credentialing and Privileging process as a qualified Clinical Mentor. Each Clinical Intern receives ongoing performance evaluations every 100 hours and mentoring from their assigned Clinical Mentor. Each Clinical Intern receives clinical supervision experience in a variety of clinical settings.

BCI’s program allows college graduates and licensure interns to complete academic and professional licensure requirements within BCI clinical programs. The following are examples of individuals seeking intern involvement at BCI:

  1. College graduates seeking graduate degrees in human services or related behavioral sciences that require a supervised practicum.
  2. Current BCI associates and other Master’s-level individuals seeking clinical licensure supervision from a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) / Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC).

BCI’s Clinical Internship Program requires a minimum commitment of 400 hours. Due to different time frames for completion of these hours, tasks are outlined in increments of hours of completion vs. weeks or months. The program consists of two stages; an initial Practicum of 100 to 150 hours and may continue internship for 300 to 900 hours. All Clinical Interns are provided training on the confidentiality of client information and client records and must sign a Confidentiality Statement acknowledging complete understanding of BCI’s confidentiality policies and procedures.

  1. Clinical Licensure Internship
    Clinical Interns receive at least 1 hour of supervision per week and participate in mandatory training and meetings to encourage and develop clinical skills. The Clinical Mentor is a staff member authorized by licensure to provide supervision. Candidates must have completed their master’s program and be eligible to become a registered intern.



I. GRADUATE PROGRAM Practicum / Internship

Practicum placement at BCI includes observing and /or co-facilitating psychotherapy for families, couples, children, and group settings. Clinical Interns provide direct service hours and participate in appropriate training and other clinical meetings to further advance their clinical experience. BCI’s internships are a progressive program starting with Level I, which includes orientation, introduction, and observing a sampling of programs, populations, and services offered with rotations through Outpatient Mental Health, Psychosocial Wellness Center, Case Management, Projecting Assistance from Transition from Homeless (PATH), Psychiatric Services, Family Care Unit, and Family Support Services.

Progressing to Levels II and III involves some entry–level duties, co-facilitation, and supervised program implementation. Level III has been reached after the Clinical Intern has been evaluated and determined to meet a minimum competency level and has been deemed competent to perform limited independent work. The Clinical Mentor and Clinical Intern will complete ongoing competency evaluations to review the intern’s clinical skills, intellectual/personal characteristics, and professional responsibility.

III. General questions
For general questions about the Clinical Internship Program at BCI, please contact:

 Tiffany Honrada, BSBA, SHRM-CP
Human Resources and Quality Coordinator
(850) 634-0039

 IV. Clinical Intern Application
Download the Clinical Intern Application.