BCI Proud Recipient of MHA Bell Seal for Workplace Mental Health

Mar 4, 2025

We are proud to announce that  Bridgeway Center, Inc. has been awarded the 2025 Bell Seal for Workplace Mental Health from Mental Health America (MHA)! MHA’s Bell Seal for Workplace Mental Health is the nation’s leading certification recognizing employers committed to creating mentally healthy workplaces. Receiving the 2025 Bell Seal validates our commitment to prioritizing employee well-being and encourages us to continuously improve our workplace wellness efforts.

As a Bell Seal recipient, Bridgeway Center, Inc. joins a select community of organizations committed to transforming the workplace into more supportive and psychologically safer spaces where you can thrive.

Our work in the following areas served to determine our [COLOR] certification:

  • Our expansive professional development opportunities.
  • Our competitive and mental health-friendly benefits package.
  • Our emphasis on and commitment to work-life balance.
  • Our commitment to a diverse, equitable, and inclusive workforce.

The leadership team remains firm in its commitment to our well-being, which is a testament to the positive workplace culture that our employees have helped us create. Thank you for being a part of our journey. To learn more about our workplace wellness efforts, please visit BridgewayCenter.org.