April Employee of the Month

May 29, 2024

April Employee of the Month

Congratulations Jacques Simone, CBHT, Senior Wellness Coach, for earning the title of Employee of the Month for April 2024. Jacques was selected for this award by the members of BCI’s Program Leadership.  It is with great pride and excitement that we award Jacques this distinguished recognition. Jacques started at Bridgeway Center, Inc. (BCI) in July 2002 and has been an essential part of BCI’s team.

Jacques’ nomination states, “I would like to nominate Jackie Simone. Jackie is an integral part of Bridgeway helping to support and lead the Wellness Center and Guest Services departments. She always goes above and beyond with clients. She will stop in any office at Bridgeway when seeing anyone in distress and attempt to help them. Specifically in April, a client at Guest Services passed away and Jackie ensured that the client was treated with the respect and reverence that client deserved. She went above and beyond to help ensure that all things needed for the agencies that were at Guest Services had the support needed to treat the situation appropriately. She stayed at Guest Services past 10 pm to ensure that everything was taken care of and to ensure that the clients were cared for the best that they could be. She has provided support for the other residents at Guest Services through this time while setting aside her emotions to ensure that everything was cared for this client.”

Jacques, you are a valued member of our team, and your dedication and commitment serve as a vital link to our operations!”

Thank you for all that you do!